Artist: the time
Song: love machine #2
Shall we say we're in Paris?
.... I don't know.
Shall we say we're in Rome?
.... We could.
Shall we imagine a menage-a-trois?
.... I'm too young.
Shall we imagine we're alone?
.... What can I say to that?
Shall we dream of each other naked?
.... Shit.
Shall we get undressed right here?
.... I dunno.
Shall we do this thing by the books?
.... What are you doing to me?
Shall we give in to our biggest fears?
.... Are you afraid?
Are you gonna dance with me?
.... Yes.
.... (Ha.)
Are you gonna let me spin you around?
.... I might.
Oh Lawd.
.... Can't you hear me?
.... (Haha.)
I don't make love with sound.
.... Isn't that the way it's done?
.... I'm not.
.... (Hahaha.)
.... They are...
Shit. Oh, Lawd.
.... I don't know.
.... (Hahaha!)
Should I say we gone? Let me stick it in?