Artist: tracy lawrence
Song: as lonesome as it gets
I've been sittin' here alone in the darkness
With the sound of goodbye ringin' in my head
I don't know how much longer I can go on like this
I'm about as lonesome as it gets, just about as lonesome as it gets
For a long time now we've been driftin' apart
I should have been glad to see you go
Now that it's over and you're on a silver jet
I'm about as lonesome as it gets, just about as lonesome as it gets
If it rained straight whiskey forty days and nights
Wouldn't be enough to numb this hurt I feel
Or keep this lump that's in my throat from chokin' me to death
I'm about as lonesome as it gets, just about as lonesome as it gets
When they dig a six foot hole in the ground
And throw the dirt over me
Just let these words mark my final place of rest
This is as lonesome as it gets, damn sure as lonesome as it gets
If it rained straight whiskey forty days and nights
Wouldn't be enough to numb this hurt I feel
Or keep this lump that's in my throat from chokin' me to death
I'm about as lonesome as it gets, just about as lonesome as it gets
I'm about as lonesome as it gets, just about as lonesome as it gets