Artist: kmfdm
Song: adios
Album: Adios
Year: 1999
It's been too many times that I stuck my neck out for you
It's been too many times that I spoke my mind for you
It's been too many times that I caught all the flak from you
Apathetic crap is all I can find in you
I don't want no part in this
I don't feel the need to score
Burnt all the bridges
Closed my heart
I don't want to be a part
No More
Dosvidanija Ciao Adieu
Hasta la vista I'm on my way
Goodbye Sayonara
Auf nimmerwiedersehen
Over and out
And down the drain
It's been too many times that I raised my voice at you
It's been too many times that I walked the line with you
It's been too many times that I've had no choice but you
hypocritical swine I have had it this time
Thank you...